Saturday 18 November 2006

consider the possibility that all life, all conflicts, all issues begin with seeing the reality of them in the spiritual realm and then outworking them in the material realm - a simple thought with profound implications.

freedom that christ offers exist in the spirit and follows through into the natural… in engagement with the spirit of the christ, we can choose to live in that freedom and have it direct our path - what we do, buy, consume, where we live, what and who we seek to influence - or we can choose to continue to engage with the things in the material realm that bind us up - more possessions than we need, pleasure for pleasure's sake, excess and comfort - ultimately the end of that journey is bondage

the way to true freedom lies in a spiritual laxative, to release humanity from the ties to the material that have bound us up. freedom exists in understanding the reality of the spirit of the christ and his other-centredness - as he has already revealed himself. freedom is choosing to engage with his spirit and his goals rather than the bondage imposed by the self-centred focus of the material realm and its materialism

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